What a Year!

Seasons greetings!

As we approach the end of 2023, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering support. Your commitment has played a pivotal role in our achievements over the eight months since our launch. Here's a glimpse of what we've accomplished together:

  • Raised over $5,000.00 in Financial Support:
    Your generosity has empowered us to do all that follows, furthering our mission and helping us make a positive impact.

  • Curated our Inaugural "Joy for Books" List:

    • Our debut list features a diverse array of main characters, representing 11 different racial and ethnic origins. Notably, 95% of these books were developed by a BIPOC creative team and 45% were brought to market from small or indie publishing houses. 

    • Over 20 dedicated volunteers underwent training, utilizing our 13-criteria rubric to review 50+ books. Special thanks to our reviewers!!

  • Connected with Schools Nationwide:

    • We organized a Book Donation and Reading Event for 84 First Graders: At Michael Anderson School, Avondale, AZ we worked with the amazing administration there and created a memorable experience for us and the children. Special thanks to Cathy Stafford for reading to the students!!

    • We received applications from schools in four states: Schools nationwide recognized the importance of BIPOC books in classrooms and applied to receive free books from our list.

    • We successfully selected six deserving schools to receive books: Despite the challenge of having so many wonderful applications, we carefully chose our first group of schools that communicated their passion and desire for BIPOC books. They will receive their books next month, in January.

  • Contributed to the NCAA’s Read to the Final Four Initiative:
    We expanded our reach by supplying more than 100 books to the NCAA’s local initiative promoting literacy and education through everyone’s love of basketball.

  • Conducted our First Interview:
    We shared our story and mission, increasing awareness of our organization, special thanks to Erika Tate with BluKnowledge.
    Remix EQ Live 🎙️ Advocating for Diverse Authors & Books

We look forward to continued growth and impact in the coming year.


BIPOC Books as Windows