Improving Literacy: The Benefits of BIPOC Books

Research has shown that using culturally relevant texts can have a number of benefits for readers. What are culturally relevant texts? Culturally relevant texts are books and other reading materials that reflect the cultural backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives of students.

Increased Engagement

Culturally relevant texts have been shown to increase student engagement with reading. When students see themselves and their experiences reflected in the books they read, they are more likely to be motivated to read and to invest time and effort in improving their reading skills.

Improved Comprehension

Using culturally relevant texts can also improve student comprehension of reading materials. When students are able to connect with the content on a personal level, they are better able to understand and retain the information presented in the text.

Enhanced Cultural Competence

Reading culturally relevant texts can also help students develop greater cultural competence. By learning about the experiences and perspectives of others, students can develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of all cultures, which is an essential skill.


BIPOC Books as Windows


Black Joy in Children’s Books